all postcodes in S36 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S36 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S36 8AA 1 53.534158 -1.612325
S36 8AD 0 53.532007 -1.628456
S36 8AE 2 53.532319 -1.627744
S36 8AN 0 53.518179 -1.618789
S36 8BY 1 53.525271 -1.630054
S36 8DH 0 53.516265 -1.621807
S36 8EE 0 53.51422 -1.622972
S36 8EQ 0 53.530061 -1.629831
S36 8ER 0 53.533517 -1.628428
S36 8FB 0 53.502802 -1.62235
S36 8FN 0 53.510731 -1.622535
S36 8GP 0 53.533871 -1.626645
S36 8HL 0 53.530886 -1.626535
S36 8HN 0 53.531703 -1.626015
S36 8HP 0 53.530423 -1.62503
S36 8HQ 0 53.531266 -1.62712
S36 8HU 0 53.532956 -1.627301
S36 8HW 0 53.533468 -1.627101
S36 8JQ 0 53.533934 -1.612688
S36 8JS 0 53.536743 -1.587195